PSA Submission Form


PSA Information and Form

What exactly is a Public Service Announcement? (PSA)
– A PSA is a non-commercial advertisement, broadcast free of charge for the public good.

Who May Request a PSA?
– In the case of our campus radio station, PSAs are offered to any UMSL-sanctioned organization or department. Organizations/departments may utilize PSAs to promote general awareness or a specific special event. The station manager reserves the right to decline PSA requests that are not of general interest to our listeners, or that could be detrimental to the welfare and image of our station. Organizations or events that discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, gender, skin color, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry, disability, marital status, political affiliation, or membership in the armed forces of the United States, will not be aired or posted.

When will my PSA be heard on the air?
– The DJ shows will play approximately 4 PSAs per hour in rotation. Also, 2 PSAs will be played in our automation every 15 minutes.

Timely PSAs, those promoting a specific event, will take precedence over “evergreen” PSAs, which contain information with year-round messages. (For example, a blood drive PSA would be timely. A lost-and-found location PSA would be evergreen.)

We will contact you once your PSA has been put into our rotation.

***Please submit your PSA at least a week before the event.***
***We cannot guarantee the recording and rotation of your PSA if the time requirements are not met.***
***Thank you for your understanding!***

Thank you again for submitting your event to us!!

(*You must be signed into Triton Connect to be able to submit a PSA to UMSL Radio*)

Who we are

UMSL Radio is an educational, non-commercial, student-run radio station that strives to offer unique and diverse programming from independent voices.

The station provides students with practical experiences in several aspects of broadcast journalism and video production which allows creative expression.

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